Technology – Expression – Individuation * 22. Jan 24 2PM-4PM * Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin * Central Laboratory, Sophienstraße 22a, 10178 Berlin
Presentations and Panel with Sjoerd van Tuinen, Samo Tomšič, Claudia Blümle and Katharina D. Martin * An event in the light of the recently published monograph by Katharina D. Martin »Technik als Problem des Ausdrucks, Über die naturphilosophischen Implikationen technikphilosophischer Theorien« (Bielefeld transcript, 2023) * Form-taking, as a process of expression, is a technical dimension inherent in nature), this is one thesis on the connection between the philosophy of nature and the philosophy of technology. Accordingly, the theories of technology of Kapp, Deleuze/Guattari and Simondon are particularly convincing because they treat technology as a problem of expression. Martin develops this idea by drawing on Lamarck, Schelling, Uexküll and Deleuze. In doing so, she not only succeeds in conveying the various discourses but also leads us to an ecological and topological way of thinking that is capable of grasping the problematic dimension of the technologization of our environment. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-6763-9/technik-als-problem-des-ausdrucks/